Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Everyday Convergences

Leftover spaces such as the “Urban Den” are potential sites for people to engage in creative and imaginative use, and to connect through chance encounters and spontaneous events. These informal spaces may be disorderly and unkempt yet it is this reason that prompts people to be willing interpreters and patrons of these places. At the “Urban Den” this is further complicated, or rather, intersects the natural processes that already occur. Leftover concrete structures are reclaimed by naturally occurring invasive plant species, and age from the weathering elements, while catering to various user groups, who bring with them different expectations, behaviors and modifications to the landscape. This exhibits a convergence between the narratives of people and narratives of the landscape, such that the former becomes part of the latter. This is seen everywhere at the "Urban Den", from the appropriation of concrete walls as art canvasses for graffiti, or the overgrown awning above as an ideal ‘disposal’ system for the countless soda cans and empty liquor bottles. These are just a few examples of what may be found at the “Urban Den”, including marks of people’s presence, occupancy and use of the site through found objects, signs of settlement, and mere scratches on the asphalt.

View Urban Den in a larger map

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